Q: Why is my temporary password is not working?

A: When you copy and paste the temporary password, ensure it doesn’t copy any additional characters or spaces. If you are entering the password manually, be sure to enter it precisely as the password is case sensitive.

Q: I'm trying to submit but the progress bar keeps spinning

A: Your internet connection may be slow and making it difficult for the application to be submitted. Try connecting to a stronger/faster internet connection. This may be a different WIFI connection within your home, at work or at a family/friend's house. Alternatively, if you have a fast internet connection through your mobile phone, try hot spotting.

If you can not submit, remember to save a draft application. If you don't have a good internet connection, the draft application may only be saved locally and not online. However, If you have a fast internet connection - it should be able to sync online and technically, if it can do this, it should also have the ability to be submitted.

Q: Who should I nominated as referees for my reference checks?

A: We recommend nominating someone from your direct reporting line e.g. a supervisor. Please let the referee know you’ve nominated them as a referee and that they’ll receive an email or phone call from Accurate Background (Previously VerifyNow). This increases the likelihood they will complete the reference check in a timely manner.


We don’t encourage applicants nominating family members (unless you worked directly for them) or nominating colleagues if you have a direct line manager you can use.

Q: Who do I contact for support?

A: If your issue cannot be resolved through the support resources, you can email support.au@accurate.com. We will attempt to respond at the earliest opportunity. Accurate's support team is available Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm AEST.