Q: How do I log in?

A: You will receive an email from Accurate with a link to the Accurate Screening Platform. 


Q: Is Accurate Background device friendly?

A: Yes. You can submit your application via mobile phone, tablet or desktop.


Q: What are the recommended browsers?

A: The preferred browsers for our platform include using any of the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge.


Q: How do I complete and submit a screening application?

A: Once you have logged into Accurate, follow the prompts and:

·        provide the information required for each check;

·        provide your consent for employment screening;

·        provide the required identity documents (if identity verification is included);

This includes providing a “selfie” where you are holding a photo ID document that has been provided above (Commencement document or Primary use in community document). The ID you use must have a photo on it. Below is an example of the photo required (note: your version should not have any redacted information)


Q: Why was my application returned for clarification?

A: Upon review of your application submission, the verification team may have identified incomplete information or an error in this submission. Some common items for clarification may include:

  • the incorrect identity documents uploaded. e.g. you have selected current driver licence as the primary document but have uploaded a different ID document.
  • did not include five (5) years of residential history as per Australian criminal history check requirement.

When applications are returned for clarification, we ask that you update your application as per email and re-submit ASAP. This ensures we can process the checks in a timely manner.

Q: Why is residential addresses for the past five years required?

A: It is a requirement from the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission for accredited bodies to collect all current and previous residential addresses and the corresponding dates that the applicant resided at those addresses for at least the last five years. We recognise that some residential circumstances can be unusual. Some applicants, for example, might be homeless or might not have permanent or fixed addresses. In these kinds of situations, please aim to submit as complete and accurate information as possible.

Q: What types of files can I upload?

A: The preferred file types are: JPEG, PNG and PDF. Please minimise the file size where possible (less than 3MB) without jeopardizing the quality. If the file is not readable, we will return the application for clarification. The files uploaded need to be clear and easy to read/view.

Q: What happens after I’ve submitted my application?

A: You will receive an acknowledgement email confirming your submission as successful. Accurate will then commence the screening process and verify the information you provided. The results will be shared with our client/your prospective/current employer.


Q: Why can’t I submit my application?

A: There may be different reasons why you aren’t able to submit your application. This could be due to a missing or required field/s — missing fields will display when you try to submit an incomplete application 

Please review your application to ensure you have fully completed the application before submission.


Q: Who do I contact for support?

A: If your issue cannot be resolved through the support resources, you can email support.au@accurate.com. We will attempt to respond at the earliest opportunity (usually within 1 business day). Accurate Support is available Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm AEST.